Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist (SU24) Question Answer
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist (SU24) Question Answer
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist (SU24) Question Answer
Salesforce assesses professionals with skills to design and implement effective marketing strategies that bring about marketing revenues. If you want to pass the exam without any problem, choose Passitcerts to get Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist dumps. We design our high-quality materials after the Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist real exam questions. Our experts create Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist braindumps for you after thorough research. There is a high chance of appearing in the actual exam. So, prepare to pass the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist exam with exceptional grades. Complete the Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist practice test, and you won’t need anything else to pass the exam.
We create Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist real exam questions to provide complete guidance from to go. A specialty exam that takes up to 90 minutes and contains 60+ questions needs that and more. With advanced Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist question answers features like performance tracking and self-evaluation, your success is surefire. With each Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist practice test, we guide you to your weak spot. You improve them by repeating the Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist braindumps test. Our aim is not only to pass the exam but to polish your skills so you can become a credible Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist.
Passitcerts has a policy to keep our customers updated. The exam has 8% Visitors and Prospects, 11% Administration, 20% Account Engagement Forms, Form Handlers and Landing Pages, 24% Lead Management, 20% Email Marketing, and 17% Engagement Studio. With the latest Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist question answers, we keep you informed on changes instantly. The good news is the first three months of the updates are free. There is no break in your flow of Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Specialist practice test availability.
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Passitcerts Providing most updated Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Specialist (SU24) Certification Question Answers. Here are a few exams:
An Administrator wants to have a thank you email sent after the form on the “Request a Demo” landing page is submitted.Where can this be configured to ensure that every time the landing page is completed, the email is sent?
A. Configure an autoresponder email to send as a completion action when the ‘Request a Demo” landing page has been submitted.
B. Configure an automation rule to send the email when “Request a Demo” form has been successfully completed.
C. Configure a segmentation rule to send the email when “Request a Demo” landing page has been successfully completed.
D. Configure an autoresponder email to send as a completion action when the “Request a Demo” form has been submitted.
LenoxSofts marketing manager wants to keep email branding consistent. They want Marketing Cloud Account Engagement users to be able to select this email content when building out engagement studio programs, one-to-one emails, and autoresponders.How could this goal be achieved?
A. Create and publish an email template
B. Create an email template draft
C. Create an operational email
D. Create a list email draft
A client wants to submit data to Marketing Cloud Account Engagement as well as their own database. What do you recommend they use?
A. A third party tool
B. This is not possible
C. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement API
D. connector
E. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form handlers
How can you set a prospect's first touch campaign?
A. Using automation rules.
B. Using completion actions
C. None of the above
D. Using segmentation rules.
Identify the paid search ad platforms for which Marketing Cloud Account Engagement has a native integration.
A. Google AdWords
B. Bing
C. Yahoo
D. All of the Above
How many times does a segmentation rule run?
A. Continuously, whenever new prospects are created.
B. Up to five times., as long as the user enables the repeat setting.
C. As many times as the user specifies when they create the rule.
D. Once, as soon as the user completes the rule creation process.
On which two types of domains does Marketing Cloud Account Engagement set cookies? (Choose two answers.)
A. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement domains
B. Tracker domains
C. Mobile domains
D. Social media domains
What information can you find about your competitors in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement?
A. Alexa rank
B. BBB score
C. News article mentions
D. Number of inbound links
E. Number of indexed pages
A marketing user pauses an Engagement Studio program and adds a new recipient list. What will happen to the newly added prospects when the program is resumed?
A. Prospects will not begin the program until all existing prospects reach an end step.
B. Prospects will skip any Action steps the existing prospects have already completed, but will be evaluated on Trigger and Rule steps.
C. Prospects will begin the program on the first step regardless of where the existing prospects are In the program.
D. Prospects will skip steps to start the program on the same steps the existing prospects are on.
When reviewing the report for a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement email, a marketer notices the total clicks metric is much higher than the unique clicks metric. There was only one call-to-action link in the email.What could explain this discrepancy?
A. Prospects clicked the unsubscribe link.
B. Prospects clicked the call-to-action link multiple times.
C. Prospects were removed from the recipient list after clicking the call-to-action link.
D. Prospects were deleted after clicking the call-to-action link.
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