Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist (SU24) Question Answer
Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist (SU24) Question Answer
Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist (SU24) Question Answer
To pass the exam, you don't just need knowledge and experience. There is a need to understand the intricacies of the exam format, concepts, and terminologies.
The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist Exam carries a 60 multiple-choice format with five unscored questions. The exam demands a 68% passing mark, and you must achieve this within 90 minutes.
The result is obvious. You need all the help our Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist dumps have to offer. Passitcerts has made sure we make the intricate task of passing the exam seem effortless. For that, we have created resources with the same format as the Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist real exam questions. Our scenario-based Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist question answers are also timed to match the actual exam.
We create a Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist practice test that helps you understand the mind-boggling terminologies and concepts of the exam. With this, we also make sure they are written in plain language so you can comprehend each section easily. The core exam sections are as follows:
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Our tons of experience remaining in the industry for as long as one can remember taught us things. Passitcerts subject matter experts apply the knowledge they’ve gained to making perfect preparation solutions. Here’s what Marketing-Cloud-Email-Specialist real exam questions can do for you:
Passitcerts Providing most updated Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist (SU24) Certification Question Answers. Here are a few exams:
Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) flags test emails by adding a Testing And ContentObservations (TACO) prefix to its test send subject lines. NTO wants to ensure noproductionemails are sent with the TACO prefix.
A. In Send Management, add the word TACO to the Auto-Suppression Rules.
B. In the Subject/Preheader Validation section of Email Studio, add the word TACO.
C. In Send Classifications, delete TACO from the available classification options.
Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) has child business units that share customers. To track customer engagement. NTO wants to identify business unit in each of its links. Which personalization string should be appended as a parameter?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
A marketing developer wants to receive daily report of sends across all business units to be incorporated into their internal dashboard. What should be done to ensure the report a sent to the director each day?
A. Schedule report and email file to the director.
B. A Schedule report and email the link to download.
C. Schedule report to export as a web page.
Northern Trail Outfitters wants to use a specific IP address and a subdomain of order subdomain for all of its transactional emails. What should be configured to accomplish this request?
A. Sender Profile
B. Delivery Profile
C. Send Classification
A marketer has been asked to collect corner information using Marketing Cloud for users obtained from social channels for future mailing. What should the marketer do to accomplish this?
A. Use Journey Builder to build an audience using Ad Studio.
B. Web Studio to capture Query parameters from social media link.
C. Use an interactive form from email Studio to collect this information
A marketer is using Preview .. Test sending to check that content is ready for an upcoming campaign and notices the Send Log Data Extension is not updating. What is the reason records are NOT being recorded?
A. Test sends are rot recorded on the Send Log Data Extension.
B. The send exceeded the maximum test send threshold.
C. A subscriber was not selected in the Subscriber Preview tab.
A marketer wants to increase the engagement rate of an email by sending it at best possible time for each subscriber. Which Journey Builder tool should they use to accomplish this?
A. Einstein STO Activity
B. Wait Until Activity
C. Engagement Split
Northern TV-ail Outfitters (NTO) sent a targeted email to 1,000 customers, but the actual number series was 10% less. In troubleshooting the issue, NTO noticed that 100 email addresses contained a typo of " instead of "". Which Marketing Cloud feature prevented emails from being sent to an invalid domain?
A. Bounce Mail Management
B. Auto-Suppression Lists
C. List Detective
Northern Trail Outfitters imports an encrypted file of its subscribers' favorite colors. Which automation activity and configuration setting should be used to import decrypted information to a data extension?
A. Manager Files in File Transfer.
B. Specify character encoding in import file.
C. Configure Field-Level Encryption in import file.
The customer service team at Northern Trail Outfitters is reporting that customers are complaining about emails ending up in their spam folders. The marketing team is asking for a solution that can check if the email contains any flags that can classify it as spam.
A. Test Send
B. Content Detective
C. Subscriber Preview
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