Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant (SU24) Question Answer
Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant (SU24) Question Answer
Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant (SU24) Question Answer
Are you looking for Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant Dumps to prepare for the exam? Are you concerned whether they’ll be valid? The Passitcerts has subject matter experts who make the preparation process easy and efficient for you.
The Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant braindumps evaluate skills like implementing applications, demonstrating Salesforce administration, and designing scalable and long-term solutions, all in the Account Engagement platform. Our approach is to practice the Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant practice test effectively and consistently. You’ll see visible differences as we train you with Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant real exam questions. Soon, you’ll mold into a seasoned Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant question answers professional.
To develop a stable mindset, you first must be clear about what to expect in the exam. The exam takes 105 minutes to complete. Within this time frame, the candidates are asked 60 questions in multiple-choice and multiple-select formats. There are also five unscored questions. We design our Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant practice test the same way. We have timed our resources to match the Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant real exam questions. With the right Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant braindumps resources and the right approach, every challenge is just the dust of the way. Follow the Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant dumps instructions for more detailed information.
To fully comprehend the exam material, use the Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant Practice Test. When you repeat the Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant question answers over and over and over again, the concepts get imprinted in your brain. It recalls them while solving the Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant real exam questions. Your exam consists of 17% Evaluation, 20% Account Configuration, 17% Automating Business Processes, 10% Email Marketing, 14% Lead Management, 8% Personalizing the Prospect Experience, 11% Reporting, Metrics & Analytics, and 3% Sales Emails and Alerts. The Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant braindumps design represents the most accurate exam format and content. The easy-to-use Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant practice test can significantly increase your readiness.
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Passitcerts Providing most updated Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant (SU24) Certification Question Answers. Here are a few exams:
What is true about grading? [Choose two answers]
A. A prospect can be associated to multiple profiles.
B. You cannot change the default profile criteria
C. Matching or unmatching a criteria will result in an increase or decrease of the grade by ,or 3/3 of a grade.
D. All prospects start with a grade of D.
LenoxSoft wants to see all the Accounts that were closed last month on the Account BasedMarketing dashboard in B2B Marketing Analytics.What dashboard feature should be used?
A. Select the dropdown filter "Closed Date" and "Last Month" to view all Accounts closed inthe last month.
B. Filter the dashboard by the highest sales activity in the Sales Activities by Accountschart.
C. Select the "Accounts" filter that allows filtering by accounts created within the last month.
D. Select the win percentage in the Revenue Win Percentage donut chart so the Accountswill be faceted by won deals.
LenoxSoft's database can be split into two categories: active and inactive. They want tobegin to retarget the inactive database with an email marketing campaign that:Automatically add prospects to the list that were emailed twice in the last six weeks andinactive in the last 45 days.Once their activity increases, they should be removed from the list. What should be theirstrategy?
A. Create a Dynamic List with the criteria of "prospect has been emailed at least 2 times inthe last 6 weeks, and the prospect has been active in the last 45 days".
B. Create a Segmentation rule with the criteria of "prospect has been emailed at least 2times in the last 6 weeks, and the prospect has been active in the last 45 days".
C. Create a Dynamic List with the criteria of "prospect has been emailed at least 2 times in the last 6 weeks, and the prospect has been inactive in the last 45 days'.
D. Create an Automation rule with the criteria of "prospect has been emailed at least 2times in the last 6 weeks, and the prospect has been inactive in the last 45 days".
LenoxSoft has found that the conversion rates on their paid search ads that direct to thehome page on the LenoxSoft website are surprisingly low.What should be recommended to increase the conversion rates on the paid search ads?
A. Develop custom redirects in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement to use on the paidsearch ads.
B. Create new content for the paid search ads that direct to the home page.
C. Place additional navigation on the LenoxSoft home page.
D. Direct traffic from the ad to a Marketing Cloud Account Engagement landing pageinstead of the home page.
When connecting Marketing Cloud Account Engagement for the first time to Salesforce,what is required before records will begin syncing?
A. Salesforce B2B Integration user must be created.
B. User sync must be enabled in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement.
C. The Salesforce connector must be unpaused.
D. Salesforce fields must be synced to Marketing Cloud Account Engagement fields.
Lenoxsoft currently uses a manual sales engagement process where assigned usersmanually add leads to lists based on a lead status value of "New". The Sales Managerwishes to develop a Sales Engagement Program that streamlines this process and has thefollowing requirements: - Only leads with a status of "New" can be added to the Program. Alead with a status of "In Progress" CANNOT be added. - Assigned users should be notifiedwhen a lead has opened an email. Based on the above requirements, which is the bestway to segment prospects for Lenoxsoft's Sales Engagement Program?
A. Create a completion action based on the Lead Status field value.
B. Create a dynamic list based on the Lead Status field value
C. Create an automation rule based on the Lead Status field value
D. Create a segmentation rule based on the Lead Status field value
What can you do in Advanced Section of Look and Feel step in Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement Form
A. Kiosk/Data Entry Mode: Do not cookie browser as submitted prospect
B. PI Enable explicit bot protecting using reCAPTCHA
C. Include "Not you?" link to allow visitors to reset the form
D. Disable autoresponder emails on this form
One of LenoxSoft's goals is to effectively use engagement studio programs to continuouslyreengage cold leads until they become active. To do so, the marketing team needs to builda list of cold prospects.What is the optimal use case to segment these prospects?
A. Run an Automation rule where the criteria is " Prospect Time Last activity Days ago is greater than 90 day."
B. Run a Segmentation rule where the criteria is "Prospect Time Last activity Days ago isgreater than 90 days".
C. Run a Dynamic List where the criteria is "Prospect Time Created Days ago is greaterthan 90".
D. Run a Dynamic List where the criteria is "Prospect Time Last activity Days ago isgreater than 90".
Which is true about Marketing Cloud Account Engagement API limits
A. No limits at all
B. All editions have 10 000 API limit
C. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Growth Edition: Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement Plus Edition: 25 000 Marketing Cloud Account Engagement AdvancedEdition: 100 000
D. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Growth Edition: 25 000 Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement Plus Edition: 50 000 Marketing Cloud Account Engagement AdvancedEdition: 100 000
Do hard bounces need to be removed from lists
A. True
B. False
The Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant exam tests knowledge of implementing and optimizing account engagement (formerly known as Pardot) solutions in Salesforce.
It is intended for consultants, marketers, and Salesforce professionals who specialize in setting up and managing account engagement solutions using Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
While there are no official prerequisites, having experience with Salesforce Marketing Cloud, specifically Account Engagement (Pardot), is recommended. Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist certification can also be beneficial.
The exam covers topics like account configuration, automations, lead management, email marketing, reporting, and Salesforce integration.
The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions, with a time limit of 105 minutes.
The passing score is 67%.
The registration fee is $200, with a retake fee of $100.
The Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant exam is designed to assess your knowledge of implementing Salesforce Account Engagement (formerly known as Pardot). It evaluates a candidate's skills in setting up and managing Salesforce marketing automation solutions for client accounts.
This exam is ideal for Salesforce consultants, marketers, and professionals responsible for implementing and optimizing Account Engagement solutions.
There are no formal prerequisites, but having prior knowledge of Salesforce Marketing Cloud is highly recommended. Marketing Cloud Email Specialist certification is also useful.
The exam covers account configuration, automation rules, lead management, and Salesforce integration with Account Engagement.
The Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant Practice Test on is designed to help candidates prepare for the actual Salesforce certification exam. It includes real-world scenarios, multiple-choice questions, and practice quizzes to assess your knowledge and readiness for the exam.
The practice test on includes over 200 questions that cover various topics such as account configuration, automations, and Salesforce integration. These questions are updated regularly to reflect the latest exam patterns.
Our practice test replicates the real exam environment with similar question formats, time limits, and difficulty levels. It helps you get familiar with the exam’s structure and improves your problem-solving speed and accuracy.
Yes, we ensure that all our Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant practice questions are aligned with the most recent Salesforce exam syllabus and updates.
Yes, each question in our Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant practice test comes with a detailed explanation to help you understand why a particular answer is correct. This will aid in learning and retention.
Once you purchase the Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant practice test, you will have unlimited access for a period of 6 months.
Yes, offers a 30-day money-back Guarantee if you are not satisfied with the practice test or if you feel it did not help you adequately prepare for the exam.